Tuesday, 30 December 2008

If anyone is still reading

If anyone is wondering where I have gone, well iv kinda turned into a bit of a fitness freak, iv been doing resistance training and really like it, being naturally skinny if I do to much cardio, I end up looking like a pubescent boy, but iv discovered with weights you can actually shape your body :0), Im doing routines out of a book called the body sculpting bible and would highly recommend it. Iv decided to take a bit of a back step with making jewellery my shop will still be open and I will be still be making jewellery from time to time. The thing is my new house is just to small , to be doing it all the time , really I need a dedicated space and now the house market has crashed we can't sell up :0(. Im also thinking of selling all my lampwork stuff if anyone know anyone that wants to start up? The good news is, my husband is back in two weeks. Im so excited, im like a teenager with a schoolgirl crush hehe.

Sunday, 26 October 2008


I was tagged by Caroline, this means I have to tell u 7 things about myself, im then sopposed to tagg someone else, but everyone has already been tagged.

1) My fav animal is elephants love them
2) I wanted to be a vet when I grew up
3) My dream is to go to Africa on safari
4) Im fascinated by tribes and all things tribal
5) I love roast dinners, quiche and potato salad (homemade)
6) I really want to get some chickens, but can't because my deeds forbid it :0(
7) I daydream constantly


After lots of nagging my husband finally sent me some pics of him in the falklands, iv changed one to black and white, and I need to get a frame, so I can put it besides my bed, very soppy I know, but who care's. On the downside my car failed its mot :0(, gotta take it in tomorrow to be repaired.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Busy bee again.

I spent the weekend making jewellery:0), its been a while again, so was great to get into it, now I want to make jewellery all week but have had to stop myself to sort my house out :0(. I m half way through a magdelia tut so really want to get that piece finished . Im really getting back into wire work again, :0), Iv even been making flowers out of silver wire to wrap around a pendant,a bit of a experiment . My husband has been gone 6 weeks now and im seriously beginning to feel like a single parent, a mothers work is never done lol, Krista x

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

A trip to the farm

So Sunday I took the kids and there friend to the farm, they loved it Kieran seemed particularly amused by the piglets and a good day was had by all , its just a shame it cost so much , or I would take them every week. Today we went to the dentist, I had to have my first ever filling , was rather worried after my husband telling me u tend to end up drooling everywhere but there was no drooling and really it was a piece a cake :0). Telisa had 2 have a tooth out bless her, im dead proud of her , I could see her clenching her fist but she didn't cry, bless her little heart :0)

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

It arrived

Well my tank arrived and iv set it up, the water is still cloudy at the mo, it take a while for the filter to make it crystal clear :0) The dogs r in my bad books, I made some hotdogs for the kids and they stole them of the side when I wasn't looking Grrrr! im not a happy bunny!

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Iv been naughty

As some of you may know I own a biorb , its my pride and joy I love it , I also brought a betta a while back and he has been in a temporey tank in our bedroom, so today iv brought a black baby biorb for him , iv just gotta wait for it to come :0). If my husband happens to be reading this can I just say the baby biorb fell in the basket and then I accidently pressed the pay now button honest :0). Better also say just incase anyone decides they want one the baby biorb is quite small and only really sutible for a few types of fish , for most fish you would want the bigger ones.

Saturday, 13 September 2008

he has gone :0(

My husband is in the Royal Air Force he has just gone on a 4 month detachment to the Faulkland Island , he won't even be back for xmas so its just me and the kids :0(.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Poor Willow

After being spayed she is sporting the astronaut look, don't think she is 2 happy with us lol. Only a few days now until mu husband goes to the Faulkland Island for 4 months :0(, he won't even be here for xmas :0(.

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Where do the days go

It took 5 days to lay the new oak floor in the living room, for some reason I had assumed that it would only take a weekend lol, Ty has been busy painting the hall way bless him its still not finished but it is a relief to have most the magnolia gone , one colour I hate is magnolia. spent today making this bracelet and now I have tons of housework to catch up on sigh :0(.

Thursday, 7 August 2008

My sons Hair

My sons hair is driving me crazy at the moment, im trying to grow it long, u know how a lot of boys have that trendy longish hair cut at the mo, when he used to have it short it used to grow like a weed , now im trying to grow it long its seems to be growing ridiculously slow, its been in between long and short for what seems like forever its driving me mad

Monday, 4 August 2008


Iv gone a bit circle mad with today's creations. Kieran had to have a injection today, bless him he was all excited about it , until he had it, and realised they hurt.

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Pygmy Shrew

Remember that vole I told you about willow bringing in, well shes forever bringing them in now, only it turns out its actually pygmy shrews she is bringing in, poor things, weather she is killing them or just finding them I dont know as apparently they die if they don't eat for 2 hours. A few weeks ago I made a mini pond in my garden out of a pot , expecting it to be a fair while before anything made a home of it, but already its starting to fill up with wildlife :0).

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Im on a roll

I can't believe how long I went without making any jewellery , I forgot how much satisfaction I got from it, after being woken up at a un godly hour by the most vocal cat ever Marble, he is half Bengal and apparently that is one of there traits, I love his vocalness just not at stupid o'clock in the morning lol. Anyway after being woke up by him I decided to get yesterdays goodies photographed :0). Now iv gotta get the kids up and of to swimming :0).

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Disc Cutter

I brought a Indian disc cutter from a well know jewellery tools site, what a mistake, not only do u have to hit the thing 500 times to get the got dam disc out , but they come out all mangled and with rims on, so I ring up to complain only to be told not only do I have to pay postage to send the thing back, and its heavy, but they will inspect it and if they think I have damaged it, I havnt its just rubbish, they will not refund me. Are they taking the mickey or what. Word of advise don't buy a Indian cutter spend the extra money and buy the more expensive ones :0(.

Thursday, 24 July 2008


I hate Thursdays all 3 of my little treasures have swimming lessons on a Thursday , feel like I might as well set up camp in the leisure centre. One of my cat's brought me in a lovely present today, willow came in and dumped a dead vole right in front of my sofa , don't you just love cats. Gonna try and get some painting done in between the swimming lessons .

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Todays Creations

Iv also changed my picture style, I used to do the natural looking type pics, but then went with the white background, the white looked fantastic when it was right , but was so dam hard to get it right , so for a easy life iv gone back to natural, its actually the tiles from my kitchen floor that we have just had done :0), Krista x

Monday, 21 July 2008

Its been a while

Well that's a bit of a understatement really, and not much has happened really we have a new cat Willow who I found at 5 weeks old crying outside my house ,so we took her in, and a new Guinea pig Lester who was brought for Kelsey's birthday, a bad idea really as I wasn't supposed to buy him, and I think my husband has finally just about forgiven me lol. Iv been working on the house still no where near done, but its starting to look a bit better lol. Apart from that iv just been being a busy mum, I seem to be forever driving the kids here or there , what I wouldn't give, for 5 mins to myself lol.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Darn clay

What is it with new build houses, I was told that top soil was put down , funny then that I spent all day yesterday trying to dig a area of my garden to put plants in and could only find clay and rubble. It was what I expected to find anyway to be honest as my garden had become waterlogged and a fair bit of the grass has died . Well after a crook back and 2 mammoth bags of compost I think iv improved the soil a little, I just hope its good enough as I didn't really have much choice but plant my growing collection of plants as they were starting to suffer sitting in pots. Fingers crossed they survive.

Friday, 15 February 2008

At Long Last

At long last iv made something, hadn't made anything since iv moved, and it was a bit of a nightmare as it took forever to find everything, Anyway its a hand forged sterling silver bangle with smokey quartz and freshwater pearl coin, will get a better picture later but this will do for now.

Sunday, 27 January 2008

This country has gone mad

Today I read my daughters newsletter from school, In it was a note to make sure that your child can open there yogurt themselves, as surprise surprise the dinnerladies can't open them for health and safety reasons.

Thursday, 24 January 2008


Telisas been having swimming lessons on a Tuesday night , and Kieran always gets really bored why were watching im sure he wants to jump in the pool 2. So yesterday I wen't to the leisure centre and enrolled him on a preschool swimming course, so today we went I have to go in with him as he is only 2, its the best money iv ever spent, he loved it, he was splashing and screaming and laughing, is hard to belive that last year he was terrified of swimming pools. I will now look forward to Thursday mornings just to see the excitement on his face :0).